Friday, April 22, 2016

Because My Son Has Been Bullied

My son was only about 4 years old when he was bullied for the first time.  It took place at our neighborhood park where a couple of kids twice his age were playing a game of chase. They ran over and under and through the play structure several times as they ignored my two little kids who were playing on the kiddie slide.  My daughter has always been a brick - a tough cookie with thick skin and a personality to boot.  My son, on the other hand, is naturally shy with tendencies to curl-up and cry if he is scared or mistreated in any way. Yes, he's a mama's boy and I am ok with that....most of the time.

Back to this bully.  My son was minding his business, climbing the structure when one of the older boys came plowing past him putting the entire force of his body on my little boy's forearm.  Had this kid put any more pressure on my son's arm it would have been broken, but thankfully it was {likely} just a sprain and the pain went away within a few days.  The kid did not stop to say sorry.  He didn't even stop to help him up.  He just kept running and pushing everyone out of his way. Unfortunately, I did not say anything.  I did not stand up for my son.  I did not scold the kid for hurting him.  I just scooped up my teary-eyed boy and walked behind my daughter's bike as we made our way back to our house.

I was present again when my son was bullied the second time.  Again, it was at our neighborhood park and my daughter was playing tag with an older boy. He tried to get my son to play as well by yelling "Hey, what's your name?" to which my son replied "It's Declan." They proceeded to play tag for twenty minutes as the kid kept making Declan be IT. My boy was tired and sweating from the hot summer sun. He rested at the bottom of the slide and then heard the kid yell again. "Ducklan! Here Ducky! Duck Duck Goose!  Goosey!  Goosey, come and get me!" That was when Declan lost it.  He threw bark dust at the kid and ran over to me crying.  I have to admit, I don't blame him. I know he was wrong to throw bark dust but his feelings were hurt and so were mine.  I declared it GAME OVER, walked over to that kid and simply said "My son's name is Declan!" and left it at that.  We gathered our things and headed for home.

These are just two instances of bullying that I have witnessed but I know it happens way more when I am not around.  I have heard stories about things happening at school.  I have heard stories about things happening at birthday parties and on the soccer field.  Bullies are everywhere - in the schoolyard, online, in our own family - and all we can do is stand up for the ones we love and say NO to bullies.  Say NO to name-calling, to rumors, and tears! 

When your child does not have words - be his voice.  When your child does not have the guts - be his strength. When the rest of the world is shutting him out - be his friend.

Together we can end bullying.

If you are looking for a way to speak to your child about bullying, please download my latest book:
Billy Barlow and the Bacon Lovin' Bully.

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